
Figma Dev Mode – Reducing your App Development Time

March 15, 2024
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Figma Dev Mode – Reducing your App Development Time

The back-and-forth communication between designers and developers can slow down app creation, however, the speed of transitioning from design to fully functional app is possible with Figma Dev Mode.

Providing a single working environment with a clear transition from design to code – cutting down on your project timelines and launching apps faster.

Dev mode is a newly added feature within Figma, the widely-used design platform, that helps teams create apps and websites faster by simplifying the process of going from a design concept to a working application with advanced features:

Section Status & Change Comparison

Previously, viewing a file's history only showed us who edited the file and when. With Dev Mode, we can now pinpoint the exact changes between the two design versions. This is very beneficial for our more complex software development projects involving multiple teams on various features and these real-time updates and comparisons helped us to coordinate efforts, prevent code problems, and ensure more efficient project management.

Inspect Tools and Code Snippets

Dev Mode's pre-written codes for common functionalities and UI elements have greatly simplified development for numerous social media applications, as there was no need to write code from scratch. And since the codes are standardized, reused and already tested we were able to reduce errors, resulting in improved quality, and consistent appearance and functionality of the app.

Annotation feature

A defined framework to mark and highlight key design elements and additional content ensures clearer communication and collaboration between our designers and developers who can quickly visualize design specifications such as spacing and size, ensuring all important design aspects are covered during handoff, and nothing important is missed.

The Impact of Dev Mode on Our Project Workflow

Due to market and user demands we recognized the potential of Figma Dev Mode and immediately integrated advanced Dev Mode features upon its release in 2023. Since then we have been able to:

Cut down development time

Shorter development timeframes mean your applications can hit the market sooner, securing a competitive advantage along with enhanced market presence and potential for increased revenue.

→ At PixelPioneers, a leading design and development studio, adopting Figma Dev Mode led to a 20% reduction in project timelines.

Figma dev mode will save you money and quell your angst, almost definitely.

Boosted team efficiency and workflow productivity

Involving our developers earlier in the design process through Dev Mode in Figma, along with its real-time updates, has decreased misunderstandings and the need for revisions. This enables a better understanding of project requirements and allows coding to start sooner, ensuring that your projects are completed on time and within budget.

Greater design accuracy and quality assurance

Direct and real-time access to design files and details ensures precision in translating design into high-performing applications and that the final product closely aligns with the initial vision – enhancing your user satisfaction and reducing the need for costly post-launch modifications.

When designers and developers can effortlessly design, archive, access, and integrate designs into code, the better and faster are the application results – ensuring businesses gain a competitive edge by receiving top-tier apps at the perfect time.

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