

August 8, 2023
Time to read


One of 15 in the world, Calda is now a certified agency on Supabase - one of the fastest-growing development tools and software startups today. Supabase has been our tool to make amazing startups come to life almost since our very beginning.

It is helping us make ideas come to life and make people’s dreams come true. It is allowing us to build and create for Entrepreneurs around the globe and change the world for the better.

Build in a weekend.🚀 Scale to millions.📈

If you know anything about Calda and what we believe in, you know that we got hooked just by reading Supabase’s slogan. Isn’t this everything Calda is and does? Speed is what today’s world is about, and there’s no room for a traditional months-long development process. Our core values have always been aligned, so we believe we are a match made in heaven.

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. It’s a backend tool to build databases, authentication procedures, store data, and much much more. In our opinion, it’s better than Firebase because it offers all of the pros of a relational database and allows you to manage data easily. In other words, it’s a tool to build everything needed for the app to work.

It’s amazing because it allows you to be much faster with the whole development process while not being forced to compromise the quality and scalability of your application. It allows you to build quickly but also with potential growth in mind. The community behind the tool is very strong, mostly because it’s an open-source project, and everybody can contribute.  

Overall, we don’t see any serious competition to what Supabase is doing currently. Maybe that’s why they were able to raise $80million last May in Series B, $116 million in total? Maybe that’s why the CTO of Instagram and important people from GitHub, Stripe and Netlify are their angel investors?

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”💡

As one of the greatest minds in history, Albert Einstein, once said, it’s all about experience. Your only ticket to be recognized as a Supabase certified expert is through experience. The Supabase team carefully reviews your application to become a certified expert, and the biggest thing they look for are the projects you built on their tool.

We certainly had a portfolio to be proud of, with more than 20 projects built on Supabase since November ‘22. More than 20 teams could realize their idea and make it come to life in weeks instead of months by utilizing the biggest strengths of Calda and Supabase. And many more are to come…  

In more than 20+ launched apps with Supabase backend, we were able to work with everything that Supabase has to offer - from Database management, Authentication, Storage, Edge Functions, Realtime tables and Chat integration, AI integration, and much more.

We are still learning every day to become better Supabase developers, but we are also very confident in our work and proud of what we achieved so far.

Click on the images below and check some of our work.⬇️

MuseMuse Supabase project example
Wasta Supabase project example
The Dinner App Supabase project example

We are excited about what the future holds🤩

We are proud to say that we are one of the most engaged and experienced teams on a tool that will take over the development world in the next few months and years. We continue to build on Supabase and learn about new technological advancements that the platform brings.

Discovering new opportunities that the tools we use have to offer is what makes our day-to-day exciting. We were born on our Founders always finding a way to utilize features offered by the development tools we use to build your apps, as this is deeply engraved in our core and our mindset. We will always strive to do the same in the future.  

Making your ideas come to life in days, not months, is all Calda and Supabase are about. We believe that Speed is the new currency, and we are here to disrupt the old software development space. In today’s market, if you are not quick enough, you will not survive. That’s the hard truth every startup and SME company CEO should accept and start moving in a newdirection.

Let’s do business together and make your idea see the light of the day – fast!

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